Friday, December 30, 2011


Caroline Glick in her blog wrote about the appointment of IDF Brig- Gen Nitzan Alon to serve as the next commander of Central Command.[1] Alon like Ehud Barak, Ariel Sharon and others have a worldview that negotiating, giving up land and appeasing the enemy can bring peace and stability.
The policies behind this thinking are flawed concepts. The first error is the notion that is often said in Israeli circles: “We don’t want to rule over another people”. [2] This position is completely unsound and a paradigm shift is needed. Ruling over a people or ethnic group is not instinctively evil. Most countries of the world rule over their ethnic, racial or religious minorities with very little opposition and in peace.

The second erroneous belief is the concept of neutralizing the enemy. Israel does not believe in destroying her enemies who seeks to destroy her. Destroying roads, buildings, lines of communications and military apparatus does not in itself win a battle. In order to win a war against terrorism on the home front you cannot neutralize the enemy you must eradicate the enemy. When an enemy seeks your life, your family and country you do not neutralize the enemy, you destroy them completely so they will never again re-group and try to kill you.

Lastly, you recover what you lost by occupying the land. The government of Israel made a grave mistake in 2005 by pulling out of Gaza and that has made Hamas and Israel’s enemies more brazen in the belief that all of the land from the river to the sea is theirs. Here is where the problem lies; Israel is not willing to take back that which she lost simply because it would create turbulence at home and abroad.
"Israel needed to respond differently to the violence coming from the Strip," said Mofaz. "Not to occupy Gaza, but to act in a way that would cause terrorist organizations to think twice before firing long-range missiles." [3]

If Israel wants to live in peace without fear of missile attacks, coming into towns and killing innocent civilians, Israel must deal ruthlessly with her enemies, with the stated goal of complete victory over her dead enemies.
“For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory." [4]

© Abraham J. Santiago

[1] CAROLINEGLICK.COM December 26,2011- Netanyahu's misleading lessons in governance
[2] Deuteronomy 15:6
[3] December 28,2011-Ryan Jones
[4] Deuteronomy 20:4

Sunday, December 11, 2011


President Obama and his administration is the first in US history that has contributed more tension and hate in the Middle East than any president before him. His policy on the Middle East and his betrayal of longtime allies truly shows what he believes in private.

It is a long-standing fact that Obama is extremely hostile to the state of Israel and will do everything he can to destabilize the Middle East and fashion it according to his image. Not only has he been hostile to the state of Israel, but also anything pertaining to Jewish historical claims and sites like Jerusalem or communities being built in Judea and Samaria. Obama believes that his personal knowledge of the Middle East history is factual based on works by Noam Chomsky, Rashid Khalidi, George Bisharat and others.

His lack of leadership clearly is a burden on the American people and the international community as a whole. What is more troubling is his disdain of the men and women who serve our country in the military. This is clearly seen in his attempt to whitewash the Islamist terrorist attack on Fort Hood.
The recent escapade by the Department of Defense is typical of what Obama and his administration is trying to do in order to win favor among radical Jihadist.

Sen. Susan Collins on Wednesday blasted the Defense Department for classifying the
Fort Hood massacre as “workplace violence” and suggested political correctness is being placed above the security of the nation's Armed Forces at home.

 During a joint session of the Senate and House Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday, the Maine Republican referenced a letter from the Defense Department depicting the Fort Hood shootings as workplace violence. She criticized the Obama administration for failing to identify the threat as radical Islam.[1]
This also brings us to the recent capture of a top-secret drone with all the high tech information it possesses. Iran having found the US top-secret drone on Iranian soil intact, the Obama government was not willing to either destroy or capture the multimillion drone even though it had time to do so. It shows conclusively, Obama’s lack of leadership and his disregard of US taxpayers in funding this high tech equipment. Again, it reflects his worldview that he wants to create a Middle East that reflects his belief how it should look like. Allowing such a sensitive piece of high tech equipment costing millions of dollars in the hands of an enemy state that wants to destroy US, West and Israel and not doing anything about it, clearly shows what he thinks and believes.

Israel being the only democracy in the Middle East, has told the Obama administration the existential threat Iran is to herself and the region. Even the Saudi king told the US repeatedly about Iran and that the “head of the snake must be cut off”.[2] Clearly even his allies in the Middle East let alone Israel cannot trust Obama.

Yet even today, the Obama administration continues to undermine Middle East stability by endorsing Turkey as a friend and partner, even though it is clearly leaning toward Islamist fundamentalism. It has encouraged dialog with the Muslim Brotherhood whose goal is to destabilize the region and commit itself to an Islamic homogeneity free of a Jewish state or western influence.