Friday, December 30, 2011


Caroline Glick in her blog wrote about the appointment of IDF Brig- Gen Nitzan Alon to serve as the next commander of Central Command.[1] Alon like Ehud Barak, Ariel Sharon and others have a worldview that negotiating, giving up land and appeasing the enemy can bring peace and stability.
The policies behind this thinking are flawed concepts. The first error is the notion that is often said in Israeli circles: “We don’t want to rule over another people”. [2] This position is completely unsound and a paradigm shift is needed. Ruling over a people or ethnic group is not instinctively evil. Most countries of the world rule over their ethnic, racial or religious minorities with very little opposition and in peace.

The second erroneous belief is the concept of neutralizing the enemy. Israel does not believe in destroying her enemies who seeks to destroy her. Destroying roads, buildings, lines of communications and military apparatus does not in itself win a battle. In order to win a war against terrorism on the home front you cannot neutralize the enemy you must eradicate the enemy. When an enemy seeks your life, your family and country you do not neutralize the enemy, you destroy them completely so they will never again re-group and try to kill you.

Lastly, you recover what you lost by occupying the land. The government of Israel made a grave mistake in 2005 by pulling out of Gaza and that has made Hamas and Israel’s enemies more brazen in the belief that all of the land from the river to the sea is theirs. Here is where the problem lies; Israel is not willing to take back that which she lost simply because it would create turbulence at home and abroad.
"Israel needed to respond differently to the violence coming from the Strip," said Mofaz. "Not to occupy Gaza, but to act in a way that would cause terrorist organizations to think twice before firing long-range missiles." [3]

If Israel wants to live in peace without fear of missile attacks, coming into towns and killing innocent civilians, Israel must deal ruthlessly with her enemies, with the stated goal of complete victory over her dead enemies.
“For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory." [4]

© Abraham J. Santiago

[1] CAROLINEGLICK.COM December 26,2011- Netanyahu's misleading lessons in governance
[2] Deuteronomy 15:6
[3] December 28,2011-Ryan Jones
[4] Deuteronomy 20:4

Sunday, December 11, 2011


President Obama and his administration is the first in US history that has contributed more tension and hate in the Middle East than any president before him. His policy on the Middle East and his betrayal of longtime allies truly shows what he believes in private.

It is a long-standing fact that Obama is extremely hostile to the state of Israel and will do everything he can to destabilize the Middle East and fashion it according to his image. Not only has he been hostile to the state of Israel, but also anything pertaining to Jewish historical claims and sites like Jerusalem or communities being built in Judea and Samaria. Obama believes that his personal knowledge of the Middle East history is factual based on works by Noam Chomsky, Rashid Khalidi, George Bisharat and others.

His lack of leadership clearly is a burden on the American people and the international community as a whole. What is more troubling is his disdain of the men and women who serve our country in the military. This is clearly seen in his attempt to whitewash the Islamist terrorist attack on Fort Hood.
The recent escapade by the Department of Defense is typical of what Obama and his administration is trying to do in order to win favor among radical Jihadist.

Sen. Susan Collins on Wednesday blasted the Defense Department for classifying the
Fort Hood massacre as “workplace violence” and suggested political correctness is being placed above the security of the nation's Armed Forces at home.

 During a joint session of the Senate and House Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday, the Maine Republican referenced a letter from the Defense Department depicting the Fort Hood shootings as workplace violence. She criticized the Obama administration for failing to identify the threat as radical Islam.[1]
This also brings us to the recent capture of a top-secret drone with all the high tech information it possesses. Iran having found the US top-secret drone on Iranian soil intact, the Obama government was not willing to either destroy or capture the multimillion drone even though it had time to do so. It shows conclusively, Obama’s lack of leadership and his disregard of US taxpayers in funding this high tech equipment. Again, it reflects his worldview that he wants to create a Middle East that reflects his belief how it should look like. Allowing such a sensitive piece of high tech equipment costing millions of dollars in the hands of an enemy state that wants to destroy US, West and Israel and not doing anything about it, clearly shows what he thinks and believes.

Israel being the only democracy in the Middle East, has told the Obama administration the existential threat Iran is to herself and the region. Even the Saudi king told the US repeatedly about Iran and that the “head of the snake must be cut off”.[2] Clearly even his allies in the Middle East let alone Israel cannot trust Obama.

Yet even today, the Obama administration continues to undermine Middle East stability by endorsing Turkey as a friend and partner, even though it is clearly leaning toward Islamist fundamentalism. It has encouraged dialog with the Muslim Brotherhood whose goal is to destabilize the region and commit itself to an Islamic homogeneity free of a Jewish state or western influence.

Friday, November 25, 2011


The Israeli government refusal to transfer money to the Palestinian Authority amounts to $100 million dollars. This move has become a great concern for the Palestinians.  The transfer tax and custom payment amounts to two thirds of its revenue.[1] The European Union (EU) has already promised money to the Palestinians despite the fact that Europe is in a financial crisis. Instead of helping underdeveloped countries, it chooses to invest money to the PA whose goal is to eliminate the Jewish state.

The European Parliament has agreed to increase aid to the occupied Palestinian territories in 2012, reports on the annual EU budget negotiations in Geneva said Saturday. The bloc’s budget for next year will increase by 129 billion euros, following more than 15 hours of talks, Reuters reported. The increase includes an extra 100 million euros for the Palestinian territories. As the largest single donor to the Palestinians, the European bloc of nations contributes some 500 million euros each year for Palestinian Authority salaries and to support future state institutions.[2]

Despite the fact that Israel has taken measures in castigating the PA, it is not dealing with the real issue of “land”. The most effective method in sending a message to the Palestinians is annexation. Cutting off funds is temporal, because the EU and the US is more than willing to subsidize the Palestinian dependent welfare mindset. Real transformation can only come about by the annexation of land.

When will this happen? The more Israel commits herself to peace with an enemy who seeks to destroy her, the more confusing it becomes to Israelis and the world at large. The Israelis know that Palestinian Arabs do not want peace. When will this annexation take place? Will it happen when Hamas starts sending more missiles into towns, and schools? Now is the time to annex all of Judea and Samaria this is only option for peace. If not now, when will it be done? Does Jewish blood have to be spilled before Israel annexes communities?

Here are Shimon Peres' own words: (in translation)

“If a separate Palestinian state is formed, it will be armed from top to bottom. It will be a base for the most extremist terror groups, who will have anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles, endangering not only passersby but every airplane or helicopter that uses Israeli air space, every vehicle on Israel’s major coastal highways.  It is doubtful whether territorial depth provides deterrence. But the absence of minimal territorial depth leaves a state without any deterrence. This option in itself makes attacking Israel on all fronts irresistibly tempting…demilitarization of the West Bank is a questionable antidote: the problem is not the agreement to demilitarize, but whether the agreement will be honored. The number of agreements broken by the Arabs is not less than the number they have kept.” (This Time Tomorrow, Jerusalem 1978, page 255.)

For decades, the consensus among those in Israel’s government and the population in general is no independent state inside Israel. This belief has now changed and it includes both right and left. If Israel is going to have peace, it must claim her historical homeland and not waver in her conviction. The historical narrative of the Palestinians is fictional and Israel must claim her rights to her land.[3]

The longer Israel waits to annex Judea and Samaria the more blood will flow. Now is the time to claim the land and continue building, not when Jewish blood is spilled. We all hope that the government of Israel will take action as soon as possible and reclaim her historic rights to the land of Israel.

King Solomon says it best, “A wise man’s mind tends toward the right hand, a fool’s toward the left”. Ecclesiastes 10:2

© Abraham J. Santiago


Thursday, September 8, 2011


In his speech to Harvard University in June of 1978, Alexander I. Solzhenitsyn makes it clear what courage is:

“A decline in courage may be the most striking feature that an outside observer notices in the West today. The Western world has lost its civic courage, both as a whole and separately, in each country, in each government, in each political party, and, of course, in the United Nations. Such a decline in courage is particularly noticeable among the ruling and intellectual elites, causing an impression of a loss of courage by the entire society. The decline in courage, at times attaining what could be termed a lack of manhood, is ironically emphasized by occasional outbursts and inflexibility on the part of those same functionaries when dealing with weak governments and with countries that lack support, or with doomed currents, which clearly cannot offer resistance. But they get tongue-tied and paralyzed when they deal with powerful governments and threatening forces, with aggressors and international terrorists”. 1

Today more than ever before, we are dealing with many countries that lack courage or as Solzhenitsyn commented, “manhood”. We see this in Obama’s foreign policy in the Middle East, in the Americas and Africa as good examples. A decline in courage is happening all over the world and it appears that it is growing like an unstoppable virus. A case in point is what happened in early August 1995; the Croatian army ethnically cleansed the Serbian village of Krajina, which became the worst refuge calamity of the Yugoslavian civil war since World War 2. The Clinton administration during that time played an important factor in that dreadful calamity. 2

The Obama administration and the UN are following the same policy as Clinton in seeking the removal of Israelis of their historical rights to their land that was recognized by the San Remo Resolution of 1920 and the UN in 1947, which paved the way for the birth of the state of Israel in 1948. Yet the UN ignores what was established by international law, encourages, and seeks to create an independent state of Palestine inside Israel and to physically remove Israelis from their historical homeland, with the blessing of the Obama administration. There is no doubt, that the endorsement by the UN of an independent state of Palestine will have far reaching repercussions not only for the Palestinians, but also for the whole region. An independent state alongside a Jewish State of Israel cannot co-exist side by side with a terrorist organization like the Palestine Authority who collaborates with Hamas and Fatah.

The only way for peace to exist is by annexing all of Judea and Samaria and to uphold what the international community already recognizes as binding and legal according to international law. The lack of courage to stand up for what is right and true is the hallmark of many nations. The most recent incident of this kind took place when former defense secretary Gates said the following:

“Netanyahu's government has offered the Obama administration "nothing in return" for its generous security aid, which includes access to top-quality weapons, assistance in developing missile-defense systems and high-level intelligence sharing”.3

What followed that remark from Gates was no resistance from other committee members. This lack of courage from other committee members is part of the problem. The words of Mark Twain are still true, Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear. Why was there no opposition to Gates remark? The world will continue to undermine the state of Israel, unless Israel takes action and not be allowed to be bullied by the US and the UN. Israel must take a stand based on international law, and her legal rights as a member of the United Nations.We all need courage and with courage, we must tell the truth. George Orwell said is it clearly, in a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

      © Abraham J. Santiago


Friday, August 19, 2011


The Hudson Institute, a leading consultant to the Defense Department, asserted that the administration has decided to work with Turkey and the Brotherhood in Syria for a post-Assad government. In a report by Herbert London, the institute said Obama has dismissed the pro-democracy opposition as an alternative.1

Knowing full well that democracy and Islam are incompatible the Obama administration has decided to endorse the radical Islamic Brotherhood as the spokesperson for the freedom seeking people of Syria. Why would the president of the United States endorse a radical Islamic organization that is anti-American, anti-Israel and anti-West?

Perhaps the answer to this is found in the remark made by Chief Intelligence Officer James Clapper on February 10 in which he reinforces the ignorance and naiveté of the Obama administration. During a House Intelligence Committee hearing Clapper called the Egypt’s branch of the Muslim Brotherhood movement “largely secular”.

In one of his recent weekly sermons, titled "How Islam Confronts the Oppression and Tyranny [against the Muslims]," Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Guide Muhammad Badi' accused the Arab and Muslim regimes of employing tyranny against their peoples, of avoiding confrontation with the Muslims' real enemies – the Zionist entity and the U.S. – and of disregarding Allah's commandment to wage jihad against the infidels.

Muhammad Badi encourages his fellow Arabs and Muslims to unite in support of the resistance, for "resistance is the solution," and exhorted them to have faith in the Koranic promise that Allah would deliver the infidels into their hands, even if they are weak at the moment. 2

There is nothing secular about the goals of the Brotherhood and Obama knows this. Yet he is determined to work with the Brotherhood because they are a voice crying out in the wilderness, their voices are not being heard. That is why Netanyahu must annex not certain sectors of land like Danny Danon has suggested, but all of Judea and Samaria.

Furthermore, by asserting its sovereign rights to its heartland, for the first time since 1967, Israel would be adopting an unambiguous position around which its citizens and supporters could rally. Annexation would also finally free Israel's politicians and diplomats to tell the truth about the pathological nature of Palestinian nationalism and about the rank hypocrisy and anti-Semitism at the heart of much of the international Left's campaigns on behalf of the Palestinians.3

We can see clearly that the dismissal of pro-democracy advocates by Omama and his staff is a rejection of Israel as the only democracy in the Middle East. If anything, we should take to the street in protest and promote the annexation of Judea and Samaria the very heartland of Israel. Doing so would send a message to the world that the so called disputed areas from the “river to the sea “is ours.

 © - Abraham J. Santiago Original material copyright

1.    August 17,2011 http.//

2. October 2, 2010-report 3274

3.    Caroline January 31, 2011

Friday, August 5, 2011


What has become of HADAR pride of oneself, self-respect and dignity? Why is it that present day Israeli’s have surrender to the will of the international community and the Obama administration policy? In an article in Israel Today by Ryan Jones August 3, 2011 he states the following:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has agreed to restart peace negotiations with the Palestinians using the pre-1967 borders as a baseline for a final status peace agreement, according to Israeli media. Officials in Netanyahu's office told various newspapers that the proposal is actually a package deal that also requires the Palestinians to recognize Israel as a Jewish state, something the Palestinian leadership has vehemently refused to do.

Will the capitulation of Judea and Samaria to the Palestinians, UN and the Omama administration lead to peace and an end to conflicts? NO it will not, and this is the problem. We have seen in the past that giving up land does not bring peace, but rather conflict and most of all contempt on the part of the Palestinians and the Obama administration.

The willingness on the part of the government of Israel to surrender to the demands of the Obama administration and Israel’s enemies is a case in point. It was once said by Zionist Dr. Max Nordau:
 Jews learn not from reason, but from catastrophes. Natanyahu willingness to surrender Judea and Samaria will end in one of the greatest disasters in the history of Israel simply because the leadership of Israel lacks self-respect in themselves.

Where is the protest, sit-ins and refusal to submit to the US in regard to this matter? There is none. It’s no wonder when Governor Sarah Palin came to Israel she simply asked a question, why are you apologizing all the time? Jews want the approval of non-Jews so the world will see that Jews believe in social justice, tolerance, and democracy. The non-Jewish world will never accept Jews and the more Jews capitulate to the demands of the Obama administration, international community and Palestinians, the more difficult it will be to have peace.

When Jews stand up for themselves first, their rights and their self-interest then and only then will the non-Jewish world take notice. Every time Jews are beaten, killed, and slandered and does nothing about it he adds more contempt to himself and to G-d. Now is the time to break the cycle of surrender and stand firm for Jewish rights and reaffirm Jewish HADAR.

Copyright all rights reserved

Abraham J. Santiago

Monday, May 30, 2011

Does Israel have a partner for Peace?

Netanyahu speech before congress last week resonated with all Americans, the international community, but more specifically, with the Palestinians who took his speech as a declaration of war.1 The realities on the ground, which Netanyahu presented to the world, are true.

The Palestinians have been unwilling to accept a Palestinian state, if it meant accepting a Jewish state alongside it”.2

If Netanyahu did not tell his story, then he would be leaving others to tell their own version creating conflicting versions of history and facts on the ground, which will be the only ones that will resonate. That is why, it was important for Netanyahu to tell what is really taking place on the ground.

Senior Palestinian Authority negotiator Saeb Erekat said it all after the speech, Netanyahu has "no vision and nothing to offer," and the PA chooses unity with Hamas" rather than "lies and distortions."3 So we can see that the real issue is not statehood, but the very existence of a Jewish state.

Does genuine peace require the giving up of the Jewish homeland like Netanyahu said? The answer is NO! Since the PA is unwilling recognize a Jewish state and chooses a partnership with Hamas and to proclaim an independent state in September, then the only alternative is to annex all of the disputed area of Judea and Samaria [West Bank and Gaza].

Genuine peace never requires the giving up of an ancient homeland to enemies who want to destroy you. This was done before and the result was death and destruction. Israel now is at a crossroads in life, it can continue the false concept of giving up land for an artificial peace or annex her historical homeland. The most pragmatic thing to do, to end this cycle of violence and false hope, is to annex and incorporate the disputed land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.

Netanyahu must go back to what he always believed in, a Palestinian state exists and that state is Jordan. This is the reality, and true peace can only be achieved if two sides come together and talk. Then and only then will there be peace.

ⓒ Abraham J. Santiago 

1 Washington May 24, 2011
2 Congressional speech before Congress- Benjamin Netanyahu, May 24, 2011
3 May 25, 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Netanyahu and America

On May 24, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel will address Congress in Washington. DC. This will be his second appearance before congress and perhaps the most important speech to the American people. He will attempt to present his view for stability in the Middle East, the threat of Iran and the issue of Palestinian statehood. Netanyahu is under extreme pressure from the left in Israel and the Obama administration, to make concessions for peace and that may include giving up land and communities.

How will Americans respond if Netanyahu decides to give up Israel’s historical homeland to the very people who want to exterminate Israel and remove their presence from the Middle East? If he decides to give up land for peace, the American public would view his undertaking as a negative, because most Americans believe that the land of Israel is connected to the Jewish people. This basic deep-seated concept is ingrained in most Americans who practice Christianity or any semblance of Christianity. By giving up land for peace, he would be undermining his position that Israel has a historical claim to the land. Netanyahu will be giving his enemies a legitimate and historical claim to all of the land of Israel even though they have no claim. Perception and facts is everything, he must convey to all Americans that there can be no peace with an entity that wants to destroys the Jewish people and wipe them off the map.

Americans still values courage and strength in times of diversity. Netanyahu greatest moment will be when he stands before congress and speaks to America. If he flinches and takes the path of appeasement and giving up land, or agrees to a terrorist state inside Israel, it will eventually result in his demise and it will create more deaths and destruction on the people of Israel.  Also, it will embolden his enemies to continue their slogan “from the river to the sea”. Israel has the upper hand because she controls all the land. It doesn’t matter what the UN or the US thinks about an independence state of Palestine. Palestinians have shown through their actions, that they are not partners for peace. It is the duty of Netanyahu to protect his citizens and future citizens from harm and destruction. Capitulating to the demands of the US or the international community at the expensive of Israeli lives will not work.

The most pragmatic move is to annex all the land of Judea and Samaria and brake the cycle of concessions and false hope. Since Israel has a historical and legal claim to all of the land of Israel and Palestinians do not, this will put an end to this debate. Bible believing Christians in private opposes the creation of a two state solution plan for peace. Most believing Christians maintain that a creation of a new state in Jordan or a partnership with Jordan is the best answer for peace. If this can be worked out, if Palestinians would focus on moving to Jordan and working with the Jordanian government on some type of dual citizenship.1 Netanyahu will not win the support of the US if he thinks that giving up land for peace will work. Netanyahu must do something audacious and reclaim the land of his forefathers as our land. By doing so he will win the respect and admiration of the American people.

ⓒ Abraham J. Santiago   All rights reserved
