Friday, August 19, 2011


The Hudson Institute, a leading consultant to the Defense Department, asserted that the administration has decided to work with Turkey and the Brotherhood in Syria for a post-Assad government. In a report by Herbert London, the institute said Obama has dismissed the pro-democracy opposition as an alternative.1

Knowing full well that democracy and Islam are incompatible the Obama administration has decided to endorse the radical Islamic Brotherhood as the spokesperson for the freedom seeking people of Syria. Why would the president of the United States endorse a radical Islamic organization that is anti-American, anti-Israel and anti-West?

Perhaps the answer to this is found in the remark made by Chief Intelligence Officer James Clapper on February 10 in which he reinforces the ignorance and naiveté of the Obama administration. During a House Intelligence Committee hearing Clapper called the Egypt’s branch of the Muslim Brotherhood movement “largely secular”.

In one of his recent weekly sermons, titled "How Islam Confronts the Oppression and Tyranny [against the Muslims]," Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Guide Muhammad Badi' accused the Arab and Muslim regimes of employing tyranny against their peoples, of avoiding confrontation with the Muslims' real enemies – the Zionist entity and the U.S. – and of disregarding Allah's commandment to wage jihad against the infidels.

Muhammad Badi encourages his fellow Arabs and Muslims to unite in support of the resistance, for "resistance is the solution," and exhorted them to have faith in the Koranic promise that Allah would deliver the infidels into their hands, even if they are weak at the moment. 2

There is nothing secular about the goals of the Brotherhood and Obama knows this. Yet he is determined to work with the Brotherhood because they are a voice crying out in the wilderness, their voices are not being heard. That is why Netanyahu must annex not certain sectors of land like Danny Danon has suggested, but all of Judea and Samaria.

Furthermore, by asserting its sovereign rights to its heartland, for the first time since 1967, Israel would be adopting an unambiguous position around which its citizens and supporters could rally. Annexation would also finally free Israel's politicians and diplomats to tell the truth about the pathological nature of Palestinian nationalism and about the rank hypocrisy and anti-Semitism at the heart of much of the international Left's campaigns on behalf of the Palestinians.3

We can see clearly that the dismissal of pro-democracy advocates by Omama and his staff is a rejection of Israel as the only democracy in the Middle East. If anything, we should take to the street in protest and promote the annexation of Judea and Samaria the very heartland of Israel. Doing so would send a message to the world that the so called disputed areas from the “river to the sea “is ours.

 © - Abraham J. Santiago Original material copyright

1.    August 17,2011 http.//

2. October 2, 2010-report 3274

3.    Caroline January 31, 2011

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