Friday, March 30, 2012


Once again, president Obama and his State Department speak with a deceptive tongue when it comes to the capital of Israel. Obama in his speech to AIPAC, American Israel Public Affairs Committee on June 4, 2008 made it very clear that the capital of Israel is Jerusalem. This is what Obama said:

“Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided.”

Here is what was said by Victoria Nuland on March 28, 2012 in a State Department press briefing, here is a partial text of what was said:
Q: Is it the view of the -- of the United States that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, notwithstanding the question about the embassy -- the location of the U.S. embassy? MS. NULAND: We are not going to prejudge the outcome of those negotiations, including the final status of Jerusalem. Q:  Does that -- does that mean that you do not regard Jerusalem as the capital of Israel? MS. NULAND:  Jerusalem is a permanent-status issue.  It's got to be resolved through negotiations. Q: That seems to suggest that you do not regard Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.  Is that correct or not? MS. NULAND:  I have just spoken to this issue--MS. NULAND:  -- and I have nothing further to say on it.

 Q: You've spoken to the issue --MS. NULAND:  Yeah. Q: but (haven't answered?) the question.  And I think there's a lot of people out there who are interested in hearing a real answer and not saying -- and not trying to duck and say that this has got to be resolved by negotiations between the two sides. MS. NULAND:  That is our

Q: What is the capital of Israel? MS. NULAND:  Our policy with regard to Jerusalem is that it has to be solved through negotiations.  That's all I have to say on this issue.

Q:  What is the capital of Israel according -- MS. NULAND:  Our embassy, as you know, is located in Tel Aviv. Q:  So does that mean you regard Tel Aviv as the capital of Israel? MS. NULAND:  The issue on Jerusalem has to be settled through negotiations. Q: I just want to go back to -- I want to clarify something, perhaps give you an "out" on your Jerusalem answer.  Is it your --is it your position that all of Jerusalem is a final-status issue, or do you think -- or is it just East Jerusalem?

 MS. NULAND:  Matt, I don't have anything further to what I've said 17 times on that subject. OK?  Q: All right.  So hold on.  So I just want to make sure.  You're saying that all of Jerusalem, not just East Jerusalem, is a final-status issue. MS. NULAND:  Matt, I don't have anything further on Jerusalem to what I've already said.[1]
The president of the United States cannot be trusted at all. He does not believe that the ancient capital of Jerusalem belongs historically to the Jewish people. Does he have Israel’s back? His speech was geared to get the Jewish and the evangelical Christian vote. He has neither, as a result of this recent State Department briefing. Obama has lost out with the refusal of press secretary Victoria Nuland to answer the question directly when asked about Jerusalem.

© Abraham J. Santiago


Monday, March 12, 2012


                It is quickly becoming clear that Obama is losing respect on all levels, internationally and domestically. Steve Jobs prediction that Obama will only serve one term may come true. The continued escalation of bombardment by Syrian military forces on innocent civilians and Obama position of wait and see is a clear indication that Obama lacks leadership than any president before him. His refusal to side with the Green movement in Iran in 2009 is the reason why Iran sees the US as weak and has threaten the US and Israel in a war. It has become increasing clear that even the military sees Obama not as a strong leader, but rather as a man who would abandon his allies for political gain and appease his enemies. This is the view that most military personnel have of the president including the top brass. It is no surprise that there appears to be an exodus of top officers leaving the military simply because they cannot tolerate the president self-absorption and his lack of military experience.

          Obama continues to send mixed messages to American troops that US enemies are not Islamic jihadist. The prime example of this mindset is the administration attempt to force a politically correct agenda on all military personnel. It comes in all types of practices. The first thing that comes to mind, is the terrorist act committed by Maj. Nidal Malik Hasanin at Fort Hood in 2009 were he killed 12 people and wounded 31 others. This terrorist act was labeled not as a Islamic terrorist act, but rather as “work place violence”. The continued use of euphemism in order not to insult Islam is rampant in the Obama administration. Policy undertakings by the Obama administration like the Islamic burial procedure of Osama bin laden which now according to documents obtained by WikiLeaks says that his body was not buried at sea, but rather flown to the US is one example.[1]
         The recent accidental burning of the Koran by US troops and a groveling apology of the president to Muslims in general and the president of Afghanistan are disturbing. The most recent incident is of an American solider killing 16 civilians, this is a by-product of Obama’s Islamic policy of appeasement and his deference toward Islamic enemies.[2]

          A solider who swears to protect his country and the constitution against all enemies, cannot have a clear mind when the commander in chief refuses to acknowledge the enemy of the US as Islamic Jihadist. This was clearly brought forth by senator Lieberman.[3] The first rule of war is to know and idenitify your enemy and Obama has made it a point that America is not at war with Islamic extremist. He continues to whitewash anything that will put Islam in a negative light. This politically correct mind set has caused confusion in the military and is a by-product to some degree why a US solider committed this painful slaying of Afghan civilians this past week after the Koran burning.

          US soldiers are feeling that Obama is not pro American, but rather sees him as having a kinship to the Muslim world and sympathy toward them. Is America or US soldiers bound by sharia Islamic rules when it comes to the Koran?[4] Respect for other cultures and their faith is fine, but when Islam seeks to destroy and conquer the west, then you have a different story. Our worldview as a nation is bound by a western Judeo-Christian worldview which Islam jihadist wants to destroy. Will there be more acts of violence toward Islamist in the country where our military serve? Unless Obama articulates openly that the enemies of the US are Islamist radicals and stops kowtowing to Muslims special interest groups, here and abroad there may very well be sedition in the military.

© Abraham J. Santiago


Monday, January 30, 2012


Evangelicals Christians are watching closely as Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu heads off a challenge for Likud party leadership with contender Moshe Feigler. Christians in the US have a deep respect and admiration for Prime Minister Netanyahu however, those who staunchly support him, Christians Zionist may very well support Moshe Feigler who holds the same basic conviction and core belief that all of Judea and Samaria belongs to and should be in control of Israel. Christian Zionist has consistently maintained that a Palestinian state inside Judea and Samaria is unacceptable and that all of the West Bank should be annexed and incorporated as part of Israel.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu once held this view, but has changed his position. The growing frustration among young Israeli families who want to claim vacant land and establish communities is a sore point in the Netanyahu government. “Settlers” are looked upon as extremist and hard-core nationalist, but are they? The growing movement among young families to settle in the land that G-d promised is nothing more but a commandment that they are fulfilling.

Moshe Feigler if he is wise, could appeal to Christian Zionist around the world and get their support. If this was to happen, it would create a large obstacle to Netanyahu leadership. As of now, Christian Zionist supports Prime Minister Netanyahu but with a bit of pessimism when it comes to giving up land for peace.  If Moshe Feigler wants to challenge Netanyahu leadership, he has to convince the voting public that the Oslo Peace Accord is over and that a new paradigm shift is needed.  

What would be the new paradigm shift? Perhaps the best answer to this is what was said by Yasser Arafat, King Hussein and Prince Hassan of Jordan[1] -Jordan is Palestine. Unless there is a fundamental shift in thinking that there is a country east of the Jordan River that is Palestine, there will be no peace between Palestinians and Israelis.

© All rights reserved

Abraham J. Santiago

[1] From Time Immemorial The Origin of the Arab-Jewish Conflict Over Palestine, Joan Peters Pg. 240 JKAP Publications ©1984 Chicago, IL.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


We are all living in a period where our economy is weak, unemployment is at an all-time high, our infrastructure is crumbling and our debt is the highest in US history.  We have a president whose antagonism toward Israel is clear. Are we in a second Weimar Republic the prelude to more horrors?  I say this because it appears that we are. George Bernard Shaw said the following, if history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be of learning from experience.

I say this because of the recent article written by distinguished Professor Dr. Alan Dershowitz in which he comments on the book “The Wondering Who” which describes Jews in the typical anti-Semitic fashion endorsed by prominent academics.[1] There is an undercurrent of anti-Jewish sentiment not only in universities, but also by people who believe that Jews control the world. A case in point is the people movement of OWS that blamed Jews for our financial trouble.

A record of anti-Semitic behavior in the US, Europe and elsewhere would be too long a list to mention. Nevertheless, the fact is, we are entering an era where Jews are not safe in the place they call home. If Jews think, they can live in Europe, the Americas and not be traumatized by blatant anti –Jewish threats and assaults then we are truly incapable of learning from our past.

This brings me to the main point and has to do with Israel. Israel was primarily founded to be a haven for Jews from all over the world escaping centuries of Jewish hatred. With  changes taking place in this geo-political world and the increase of anti-Zionist sentiment (Jew hatred), it behooves us to seriously consider making alyiah to Israel. Here is the big question, can the government of Israel absorb thousands of Jews into Israel and provide places to live and jobs without raising the specter of land grab by the Palestinians?

If the government of Israel would say to the Palestinians that they are not partners for peace and that the whole concept of land for peace is a hoax, thousands of Jews would arrive in Israel in droves.[2]

The government of Israel must have the courage to say NO to a Palestinian state especially as Ismail Haniya the leader of Hamas partakes in his six-country tour of raising money for Hamas.[3] Jews would come and make alyiah if certain conditions in Israel where met, simply because there is more opportunity in Israel to advance and the economy in Israel is much better than the US. Israel’s economy is growing while most nations are seeing a decline in their economy, even more reason to live in the land and help see it grow. Jews are better off living in their ancient homeland then living in the diaspora. Perhaps now is the time to come home, if not now when?

If we do not understand our historical past and act on it, we will truly repeat another looming disaster. Anti-Semitism will not go away and it is growing. Discussions groups on this subject and debates will not change the hearts of people who believe that Jews are the problem.[4] Now is the time for us to begin a new year and make a commitment to visit and live in the land given to us.

Esther 4:14

For if, you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?"

(Holy Bible New International Version)

 © Abraham J. Santiago


Saturday, January 7, 2012


We all know that Muslims are extremely fearful and hateful of Jews. This Judeophobia is noticeably seen in the Koran and the many statements and actions against Jews as a whole and especially the state of Israel. Their hatred and fear of Jews and the state of Israel is compounded by Israel’s success and prosperity in the region.[1] Muslims will continue to hate Jews because of their success and their religious worldview that all “unbelievers” are inferior to Islam.
It can be said conclusively, that Muslims are Judeophobic and this term should be used more than it is. In regards to Christians, Muslims are Christphobic for almost the same reasons. Wherever Christianity spreads, it usually elevates the standard of living, by building institutions and promoting the welfare of the people. It is a constructive influence on communities.
The recent escalation of Islamic violence against Christians worldwide is a case in point. The Islamic mindset that all non-Muslims are inferior and should be subdued is in keeping of their Islamic ideological worldview.[2] Christians do not pose a threat to Islam and neither does Judaism or the state of Israel, yet to the Muslim it does. The very essence of having infidels in their mist is abhorrent and repugnant to Muslims. This connection with the G-d of Israel that Bible believing Christians have infuriates the religious Muslim. It amount to a simple antecedent in the G-d of Israel verses the god of Islam that has no bearing to the true G-d if one reads the Koran and compares it with the Bible.
The god of Islam fails the litmus test when you compare it with the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Jews and Bible believing Christians worship the true G-d and Islam does not. Contrary to popular belief that all three faith believe in the same G-d is not true. That is why an attack on the state of Israel is an attack on biblical Christianity and an attack against Jews, is an attack on believing Christians.
Copyright- Abraham J. Santiago

Friday, December 30, 2011


Caroline Glick in her blog wrote about the appointment of IDF Brig- Gen Nitzan Alon to serve as the next commander of Central Command.[1] Alon like Ehud Barak, Ariel Sharon and others have a worldview that negotiating, giving up land and appeasing the enemy can bring peace and stability.
The policies behind this thinking are flawed concepts. The first error is the notion that is often said in Israeli circles: “We don’t want to rule over another people”. [2] This position is completely unsound and a paradigm shift is needed. Ruling over a people or ethnic group is not instinctively evil. Most countries of the world rule over their ethnic, racial or religious minorities with very little opposition and in peace.

The second erroneous belief is the concept of neutralizing the enemy. Israel does not believe in destroying her enemies who seeks to destroy her. Destroying roads, buildings, lines of communications and military apparatus does not in itself win a battle. In order to win a war against terrorism on the home front you cannot neutralize the enemy you must eradicate the enemy. When an enemy seeks your life, your family and country you do not neutralize the enemy, you destroy them completely so they will never again re-group and try to kill you.

Lastly, you recover what you lost by occupying the land. The government of Israel made a grave mistake in 2005 by pulling out of Gaza and that has made Hamas and Israel’s enemies more brazen in the belief that all of the land from the river to the sea is theirs. Here is where the problem lies; Israel is not willing to take back that which she lost simply because it would create turbulence at home and abroad.
"Israel needed to respond differently to the violence coming from the Strip," said Mofaz. "Not to occupy Gaza, but to act in a way that would cause terrorist organizations to think twice before firing long-range missiles." [3]

If Israel wants to live in peace without fear of missile attacks, coming into towns and killing innocent civilians, Israel must deal ruthlessly with her enemies, with the stated goal of complete victory over her dead enemies.
“For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory." [4]

© Abraham J. Santiago

[1] CAROLINEGLICK.COM December 26,2011- Netanyahu's misleading lessons in governance
[2] Deuteronomy 15:6
[3] December 28,2011-Ryan Jones
[4] Deuteronomy 20:4