Friday, March 30, 2012


Once again, president Obama and his State Department speak with a deceptive tongue when it comes to the capital of Israel. Obama in his speech to AIPAC, American Israel Public Affairs Committee on June 4, 2008 made it very clear that the capital of Israel is Jerusalem. This is what Obama said:

“Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided.”

Here is what was said by Victoria Nuland on March 28, 2012 in a State Department press briefing, here is a partial text of what was said:
Q: Is it the view of the -- of the United States that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, notwithstanding the question about the embassy -- the location of the U.S. embassy? MS. NULAND: We are not going to prejudge the outcome of those negotiations, including the final status of Jerusalem. Q:  Does that -- does that mean that you do not regard Jerusalem as the capital of Israel? MS. NULAND:  Jerusalem is a permanent-status issue.  It's got to be resolved through negotiations. Q: That seems to suggest that you do not regard Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.  Is that correct or not? MS. NULAND:  I have just spoken to this issue--MS. NULAND:  -- and I have nothing further to say on it.

 Q: You've spoken to the issue --MS. NULAND:  Yeah. Q: but (haven't answered?) the question.  And I think there's a lot of people out there who are interested in hearing a real answer and not saying -- and not trying to duck and say that this has got to be resolved by negotiations between the two sides. MS. NULAND:  That is our

Q: What is the capital of Israel? MS. NULAND:  Our policy with regard to Jerusalem is that it has to be solved through negotiations.  That's all I have to say on this issue.

Q:  What is the capital of Israel according -- MS. NULAND:  Our embassy, as you know, is located in Tel Aviv. Q:  So does that mean you regard Tel Aviv as the capital of Israel? MS. NULAND:  The issue on Jerusalem has to be settled through negotiations. Q: I just want to go back to -- I want to clarify something, perhaps give you an "out" on your Jerusalem answer.  Is it your --is it your position that all of Jerusalem is a final-status issue, or do you think -- or is it just East Jerusalem?

 MS. NULAND:  Matt, I don't have anything further to what I've said 17 times on that subject. OK?  Q: All right.  So hold on.  So I just want to make sure.  You're saying that all of Jerusalem, not just East Jerusalem, is a final-status issue. MS. NULAND:  Matt, I don't have anything further on Jerusalem to what I've already said.[1]
The president of the United States cannot be trusted at all. He does not believe that the ancient capital of Jerusalem belongs historically to the Jewish people. Does he have Israel’s back? His speech was geared to get the Jewish and the evangelical Christian vote. He has neither, as a result of this recent State Department briefing. Obama has lost out with the refusal of press secretary Victoria Nuland to answer the question directly when asked about Jerusalem.

© Abraham J. Santiago


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