Monday, March 12, 2012


                It is quickly becoming clear that Obama is losing respect on all levels, internationally and domestically. Steve Jobs prediction that Obama will only serve one term may come true. The continued escalation of bombardment by Syrian military forces on innocent civilians and Obama position of wait and see is a clear indication that Obama lacks leadership than any president before him. His refusal to side with the Green movement in Iran in 2009 is the reason why Iran sees the US as weak and has threaten the US and Israel in a war. It has become increasing clear that even the military sees Obama not as a strong leader, but rather as a man who would abandon his allies for political gain and appease his enemies. This is the view that most military personnel have of the president including the top brass. It is no surprise that there appears to be an exodus of top officers leaving the military simply because they cannot tolerate the president self-absorption and his lack of military experience.

          Obama continues to send mixed messages to American troops that US enemies are not Islamic jihadist. The prime example of this mindset is the administration attempt to force a politically correct agenda on all military personnel. It comes in all types of practices. The first thing that comes to mind, is the terrorist act committed by Maj. Nidal Malik Hasanin at Fort Hood in 2009 were he killed 12 people and wounded 31 others. This terrorist act was labeled not as a Islamic terrorist act, but rather as “work place violence”. The continued use of euphemism in order not to insult Islam is rampant in the Obama administration. Policy undertakings by the Obama administration like the Islamic burial procedure of Osama bin laden which now according to documents obtained by WikiLeaks says that his body was not buried at sea, but rather flown to the US is one example.[1]
         The recent accidental burning of the Koran by US troops and a groveling apology of the president to Muslims in general and the president of Afghanistan are disturbing. The most recent incident is of an American solider killing 16 civilians, this is a by-product of Obama’s Islamic policy of appeasement and his deference toward Islamic enemies.[2]

          A solider who swears to protect his country and the constitution against all enemies, cannot have a clear mind when the commander in chief refuses to acknowledge the enemy of the US as Islamic Jihadist. This was clearly brought forth by senator Lieberman.[3] The first rule of war is to know and idenitify your enemy and Obama has made it a point that America is not at war with Islamic extremist. He continues to whitewash anything that will put Islam in a negative light. This politically correct mind set has caused confusion in the military and is a by-product to some degree why a US solider committed this painful slaying of Afghan civilians this past week after the Koran burning.

          US soldiers are feeling that Obama is not pro American, but rather sees him as having a kinship to the Muslim world and sympathy toward them. Is America or US soldiers bound by sharia Islamic rules when it comes to the Koran?[4] Respect for other cultures and their faith is fine, but when Islam seeks to destroy and conquer the west, then you have a different story. Our worldview as a nation is bound by a western Judeo-Christian worldview which Islam jihadist wants to destroy. Will there be more acts of violence toward Islamist in the country where our military serve? Unless Obama articulates openly that the enemies of the US are Islamist radicals and stops kowtowing to Muslims special interest groups, here and abroad there may very well be sedition in the military.

© Abraham J. Santiago


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