Tuesday, September 28, 2010


King Abdullah II of Jordan on American TV the "Daily Show" said, that if the settlement freeze does not continue, there will be war by the end of the year. Is this a threat or a warning? Why is the issue of settlements now an issue, when prior to 1967 it wasn't? Why is Israel considered an occupier and Syria is not when she was occupying Lebanon for over twenty years? The same goes for Egypt when it occupied the Gaza strip. What does this tell  us of the double standard of the international and Islamic community? The Prime Minister of Israel showed courage when he kept his promise and lifted the freeze. Jews all over Israel should be able to build where they want to. The international community has no right to dictate to a sovereign nation where to build and where no to build.

Israel must continue building as her population grows this is part of natural growth and in building a community. Further more, President Obama knows quite well the promise that Netanyauh made to his citizens that the end of settlements will occur at the end of September. Shouldn't the president of the United States honor the promise that a head of state made to his fellow citizens and not pressure the Prime Minister of Israel to renege on his promise? If President of the United States does not honor those who made promises and agreements what does it tell us of his character?

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