Thursday, September 23, 2010


We continually hear about two states living side by side and President Obama's rush to make it happen between Israel and the Palestinians. Are there alternatives, to a two state solution? There is and the media, US and the international community refuses to acknowledge it. The hope for peace would be for Judea to secede from Israel and form an independent state. It would not be a part of the State of Israel and thus not an occupying force.Those Jews who seek to leave Israel and join the newly established state are welcomed to do so. If Prime Minister Netanyauh continues the settlement freeze or slows it down for another time period, it would be considered a betrayal of his promise to the citizens of Israel. If the Prime Minister can not keep his promise what good is his word? The Palestinians want concessions, they want to chip away little by little at the very fabric of Israel's existence. We all know the enormous pressure that is being put on Netanyauh by Barack Obama the most anti-Israel president of the United States. President Obama shameful treatment of Prime Minister Netanyauh still lingers in the minds of Jews all over the world. An independent state of Judea is the best solution to the on going conflict between Palestinians and Israelis.

Since the start of the freeze, what has it brought in the past nine months? Israel experienced more terror and deaths since the temporary freeze on settlements. This is the tactic of the Palestinians, to chip away and force Israel to renege on the promises made, to surrender more land, halt the building of settlements, and give up Jerusalem. In other words, to remove Israel from the Middle East. Prime Minister Netanyauh must keep his promise because the whole world is watching. If this doesn't happen then a call to secede from Israel is the best soluition. He must show courage and not cave into the demands of a US administration that is no longer a friend of Israel, but rather a regime that continues to make overtures to Hamas and Israel's enemies. Now is the time for Netanyauh to heed the words of Moses, "Be strong and courageous".

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