Saturday, September 18, 2010


The diplomatic activity going on in the Middle East is pure theatre and disturbing. Both parties Israel and the Palestinians are seeking a way to get the peace process moving. The looming shadow is being ignored, the threat of Iran to Israel and the whole region. The Obama administration is deliberately avoiding this issue, because an armed nuclear Iran is not as dangerous as a people group who seeks to be an independent nation. The objective of these meetings is clear to all who read in between the lines. The chief goal is to weaken Israel and to make her less defensible. The Prime Minister of Israel knows this. Netanyahu in his book "A Place Among the Nations" clearly stated that in order for Israel to survive it must have "strategic depth".

The American Chief of Staff in 1967  submitted a position paper outlining the minimal territory Israel would need to defend herself against her enemies. Their conclusion was clear, Israel must maintain all of Judea, Samaria,and the Golan Heights. If Israel was to relinquish Judea and Samaria it would have no warning of attack and could end Israel's existence. So why a meeting  with President Abbas whose term expired in January of 2009? 

President Obama is in need of a boost to his fail domestic and foreign policy.  Obama must have a transfusion to keep his appalling creditability up before the American public and the international community. The American public has seen what his administration is doing to Americans. His  foreign and domestic policies have been divisive. Case in point, the suing of the State of Arizona by the US government; the labeling of those who disagree with his policies as "radical elements" by Homeland Security and the list goes on.

Netanyahu must stand up to a hostile American president who seeks to undermine the safety and security of the State of Israel and to upset the whole balance of the Middle East. Netanyahu's preference as it appears right now, is to give in to the demands of Obama and Abbas. Appeasement only empowers the enemies of Israel and makes Israel more vulnerable, and in the end, will not bring peace.                              

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